Where we dance!
Club Dances
We dance at the First Church of Ludlow, Center St. in Ludlow MA. Our club dance is the first Saturday of each month from October until May. Please check our dance listings for dates. $9pp
Our lessons continue in Belchertown on Thursdays at the Belchertown Rec Center, 66 State St. on Rt. 202 at 6:30 PM. $6 pp
Lessons on Sunday evenings will be held at the First Church of Ludlow, 859 Center St. Ludlow. Join us at 6:30 PM for new and refresher classes. Teacher/caller is Gloria Vivier .$6pp
We offer plus lessons/workshop on Monday evening at First Church of Ludlow in Ludlow from 6:30-8 pm. PM. $6 pp